Harding, Mary. All Aboard Trains. Illustrated by Richard Courtney. Price Stern Sloan, 1989).
Magee, Doug. All Aboard ABC. Cobblehill, 1990.
Rockwell, Anne. Trains. (Penguin, 1993)
Country Crossing evokes many sights and sounds associated with trains. Craig Brown has a book, City Sounds, that evokes the sounds associated with a trip from the farm to the city.
Read City Sounds by Craig Brown (Greenwillow, 1992).
Discuss how City Sounds and Country Crossings are similar and how the books are different.
Select another setting and write a story evoking the
sights and sounds of that location. Some suggested settings include the
zoo, park, or the riverside.
After rereading Country Crossing
make a list of the sounds used by the author to heighten the experience
of the evening's train stop. Use some of these sounds/phrases in a
story you write about a train/railroad crossing in the city.
Aylesworth, Jim. Country Crossing.
Illustrated by Ted Rand. Atheneum, 1991. 32 pages. ISBN: 0689315805
(School and Library Edition); Aladdin paperback, ISBN: 0689718950.