Classroom Connections

The Completed Hickory Dickory Dock

by Jim Aylesworth
Illustrated by Eileen Christelow
(Atheneum, 1990)

  • Before sharing Aylesworth's The Completed Hickory Dickory Dock make sure the listeners are totally familiar with the traditional versions of the Mother Goose Rhymes. In addition to the many books containing Mother Goose Rhymes try these WWW sites.
  • After sharing the traditional nursery rhymes, read and enjoy the innovation on "Hickory Dickory Dock" in Aylesworth's The Completed Hickory Dickory Dock..
    • Use these favorite rhymes as the stepping stone to creating some innovations on the selected rhymes. Write some as a class/group, then allow individuals to try creating their own variant rhymes. (Read also Keith Baker's Hickory Dickory Dock (2008); compare parodies on the rhyme.
    • Draw an illustration of the selected nursery rhyme, either the traditional or the fractured version. Create a nursery rhyme gallery with the fractured or traditional text.

Aylesworth, Jim. The Completed Hickory Dickory Dock. Illustrated by Eileen Christelow. Atheneum, 1990. 32 pages. ISBN: 0689316062 o.p.; Aladdin, 1994, ISBN 0689718624 (paperback).
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Text for Classroom Connections section © 2000 Sharron McElmeel @ McBookwords.
Portions of this text may have been published in earlier publications and are reprinted here with permission.