by Jim Aylesworth
Illustrated by David Frampton
(Holt, 1994)
Correlate activities to extend this innovation on a traditional Mother Goose rhyme with those activities suggested for Aylesworth's The Completed Hickory Dickory Dock.
The nursery rhyme that begins "One two buckle my shoe" provides the basis for Shel Silverstein's "One Two" in his A Light in the Attic (HarperCollins, 1981). After reading Aylesworth's My Son John and Silverstein's poem discuss other nursery rhymes that might provide the basis for humorous or innovations on the text. Create some new stories or verses.
To further extend the idea of extending nursery rhymes and nursery tales read John W. Ivimey's The Complete Story of the Three Blind Mice, illustrated by Victoria Chess (Little, Brown, 1990).
Aylesworth, Jim. My Son John. Illustrated by David Frampton. Holt, 1994. 32 pages. ISBN: 0689317980 (o.p.) ISBN: 0805055177 (Owlet paperback, 1997).