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The Mitten 
Retold by Jim Aylesworth
Illustrated by Barbara McClintock (Scholastic, 2009)

The Mitten by Jim Aylesworth

Diane Briggs features Jim Aylesworth's The Mitten in her six page activity unit "Mitten Weather" first published in Preschool Activities.  Children's Programming Monthly Volume 3, No 4.

The activity "unit" includes a bibliography of Mitten Weather Read Alouds, fingerplays and poems, ("The Mitten Song," "Dancing Snowflakes," "I'm a Little Snowman," and "Chubby Little Snowman"),  Flannelboard Poems, music suggestions, and snow people crafts with templates.

Deborah Stewart, a veteran early childhood educator, hosts a blog which provides many ideas for building literacy for young learners. Her blog *Teach Preschool* shares her experience and ideas for using The Mitten by Jim Aylesworth in her classroom. Check out what she has to say on her post "Retelling our own version of the mitten book in preschool."
January 25, 2012. I think you will find the ideas adaptable for other ages of early childhood learners.

Mitten Weather by Diane Briggs
Compare and contrast Jim Aylesworth's version of the tale to other versions of the tale:
  • Brett,  Jan.  The Mitten. Putnam, 1989. Animals included in this retelling: mole, rabbit, hedgehog, owl, badger, fox, and bear.
  • Tresselt, Alvin.  The Mitten. Lothrop, 1964. Animals included in this retellling: a little mouse, a green frog, an owl, a rabbit, a fox, a wolf, a wild boar, and a bear
  • Aylesworth, Jim.  The Mitten. Scholastic, 2009. Animals included in this retellling: squirrel, rabbit, fox, bear, and finally a tiny mouse.

    Ask readers to think about their own story of the mitten and to retell that version in either written form or as an oral tale retold in an audio recording, video recording, or in a written form.
    Discuss activities to do on a snowy day -- while drinking hot cocoa (recipe for hot cocoa included.)
    Discuss the size of the animals and how likely it is that the animals could fit into a  normal sized mitten, glove,  or even a hat.

Discuss how the plot of The Mitten is similar to or different from either
of these tales:

One-Dog Canoe by Mary Casanova
Who Sank the Boat? by Pamela Allen
Mr. Gumpy's Outing by John Burningham

  Back to The Mitten book page.  
Aylesworth, Jim. The Mitten. Illustrated by Barbara McClintock. Scholastic, 2009 32 pages. ISBN-10: 0-439-92544-4; ISBN-13: 978-0439925440. $16.99.
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